The Malta Nomad Residence Permit is aimed at attracting digital nomads who can work remotely from Malta. The country has been attracting digital expats ever since Malta has become a hub for online gaming and now has enacted a legal framework to grant a residence permit to non-EU digital nomads. The country ticks all the boxes for digital expats with Malta’s location in the middle of the Mediterranean making it a stone throw away from Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa.
In addition, digital nomads are flocking to Malta since English is the country’s official language and the language used by main businesses.
The following are frequently asked questions about immigrating to Malta under the Nomad Residence Permit.
Who is Eligible to apply for a Nomad Residence Permit?
An individual applying for this permit must prove that he/she is a non-European national who can work remotely from Malta, using telecommunications technologies.
What type of employment engagements are accepted to be eligible for a Nomad Residence Permit?
To be eligible, the applicant must fall under one of the following three categories:
(i) Be employed with an employer registered in a foreign country and have an employment contract.
(ii) Conduct business activity for a company registered outside of Malta and of which the individual applying is a partner or a shareholder.
(iii) Offer freelance services to clients whose permanent establishments are outside of Malta and with whom the applicant has contracts.
What is the monthly income required to be eligible for a Nomad Residence Permit?
Applicants must reach a gross monthly income of €2,700, in addition to a 20% of the median wage for each family member.
The above-mentioned figure may be reviewed periodically, upon the publishing of the new median by the National Statistics Office.
How much is the Government Application fee to apply for the Malta Nomad Residence Permit?
The application fee is of €300 for the main applicant and €300 for each family member included in the application.
For how many months prior to the submission of the application does the applicant need to show the €2,700 income in case of employment?
The applicant needs to show a three (3) months bank statement of inward transactions from salary/income declared if he is employed with a company.
For how long does the applicant need to be in self-employment before applying for the Nomad Residence Permit?
An applicant must show a minimum of (6) six months of bank statements in case that he is conducting a business activity. Nevertheless, with regards to Self-employed and/or freelancers the application is vetted on a case-by-case basis in order for the Agency to determine whether such statements are admissible or not.
If the monthly income of €2,700 could not be shown every month can one month compensate for the other?
This will be taken in consideration, yet it must be explained in the Letter of Intent. Moreover, the applicant’s annual income must not be less than €32,400.
Who is not eligible to apply for a Nomad Residence Permit?
Citizens of the European Union and their family members cannot apply for the Malta Nomad Residence Permit.
Can Family members be included in the Nomad Residence Permit?
Yes, applicants may submit applications for their family members with their application or even when already holding a Nomad Residence Permit or a Visa. The duration of the residence permit issued to family members depends on that of the Main Applicant.
Who is defined as a Family member?
For the purpose of this policy, family members are defined as:
(i) the spouse of the main applicant in a monogamous marriage or in another relationship having the same or a similar status to marriage, including a civil union, domestic partnership, common law marriage, provided that for the purpose of these regulations, the term “spouse” shall be gender neutral, and saving the CEO of Residency Malta Agency’s discretion to authorise, on a case-by-case basis, other relationships having a similar status as aforesaid.
(ii) a child, including an adopted child, of the main applicant or of his spouse who, at the time of application, is less than eighteen (18) years of age.
(iii) a child, including an adopted child, of the main applicant or of his spouse, who at the time of application is over eighteen (18) years of age, is not married, and who proves, to the satisfaction of the Agency that at the time of application he is principally dependent on the main applicant, moreover, the same applies to children with a medical condition or disability.
Can family members work in Malta with their Nomad Residence Permit?
Residence permits issued to family members under these guidelines do not grant them the automatic right to work in Malta. The said third country nationals who wish to take up employment in Malta must apply for an employment license with Jobsplus.
What is the duration of a Nomad Residence Permit?
A residence card under this permit is issued for one (1) year and can be renewed upon application at the discretion of the residency agency. The applicant can also opt for a shorter
Can the applicant opt for a shorter period such as between 91 to 180 days?
Yes, in such case a Nomad Residency Visa will be issued.
Can an applicant reapply after being issued with a refusal letter?
One cannot reapply under this programme after being issued with a refusal for a previous application.
What is the timeline of the application process?
The Application process under the Malta Nomad Residence Permit is approximately thirty (30) working days following submission of the application and payment of the application fee.
What does the Application Process entail?
The application is to be submitted via e-mail along with the supporting documentation as per the programmes’ checklist. Once vetted by the government agency, a receipt of application is sent with instructions for payment of the €300 administrative fee for each applicant. The administrative fee is to be paid by means of a bank transfer.
Once the payment is received the application will proceed to the due diligence stage where further checks will be conducted. When these checks are completed and a decision is made, the applicant and his representative shall be contacted via email with a decision letter.
Should the application be successful, a letter of Approval in Principle is issued with instructions to submit proof of accommodation and a Health Insurance Policy. At this stage the applicant is to visit Malta to attend an appointment to submit biometric information for the residence card to be issued.
When will Proof of Accommodation be requested?
Proof of accommodation in the form of a rental agreement or contract of purchase will be requested once an application is approved.
When should the Health Insurance Policy be submitted?
The Health Insurance policy can be submitted upon submission of application, yet it is suggested that this is submitted upon the issuance of the Approval in Principle letter.
How can ACC Immigration Assist?
ACC Immigration is licenced by Aġenzija Komunita’ Malta and accredited to submit Nomad Residence Permit applications on behalf of applicants. ACC Immigration holds licence number AKM-ACCA-22.